WARNING: The following entry is rated "Very Personal Stuff - VPS" by the author. If you are not into this kind of entry, please withdraw and browse through the other "normal" entries on the blog. Thank you.
"Tread carefully when we speak of matters of the heart..."
The thing about blogging is, no matter how I find it as an excuse for a space to feed my writings on, it never feed me well enough. My life@flight is supposed to be family-friendly yet after a while, here I am again - the Muse dying to come out, emotions running wild and feelings overwhelming.
I am after all, an introvert carefully disguised under the many masks of an extrovert. When people look at me, they think that I am gifted with a brilliant mind lying in dormant, born into a life so easy-going, a socialite. They see me as very ambitious, with high dreams and hopes that might possibly come true - because that is how I tell them it is. I claim to be so open-minded, true but in reality I still cherished the old, traditional thoughts. I seem to be a very laid back kind of person. I speak so too.
I speak of my wish to travel, of a vow to embrace singleness when the time comes. I speak of cash and how much I want it all. I speak of a life so amazing where miracles happen to me almost all the time. I appear matured and strong, stubborn and hard to please, hard to get.
All those fancy stuffs and yet...
Does no one really sees what I feel for?
I am after all, an introvert carefully disguised under the many masks of an extrovert. And I wait for the hands that will uncover them, one by one till there is no more.
Will he be the one?
heyy.are u like okayy syg?
yeah,ur latest entry mmg sooo personal la.
btw, imissya yott:(
Hehe I'm okay darls - no sweat; but thanx for your concern anyway :) This entry portrays the me, really writing. Unlike the other entries I'd call "just ramblings". Miss you too!
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