Tuesday, 3 February 2009

I'm Happy Enough

Tuesday, 3 February 2009
As far as I can see it, I'd probably be happy enough to not procrastinate in campus :)

Truth to be told, there's something I wish to say to somebody but thankfully, this is a family blog so yeah, I can't. If I do, it would sound childish enough to actually think it matters (when it does matter) - there's a "You're out after the third strike" rule, right?

Do I want to rant on it?





Nah, let's just forget about it. I'm in my usual indifferent mood with a little indignation. Why do people wonder if I'm isolating myself and avoiding others? Humans. It's the first time I've heard such a comment. Me isolating myself?

That's why I once said I've hundreds of acquaintances and only a few whom I really call my friends. I'm not being judgmental but these friends of mine, they've proven themselves well enough I just can't ignore them. I care for others as well.

The Golden Rule says, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

The Silver Rule says, "Don't do unto others as you wouldn't have others do unto you."

The Iron Rule says, "Don't let others do unto you what you wouldn't do to others."

I'm trying to be a friend to everyone else who comes across my path, especially those who have proven themselves. I won't judge but merely observe and the only one who can ask me whether I'm isolating myself is no one - because those who know me well know who I am, therefore they won't ask. Those who do ask, well, my apologies then.


Anonymous said...

It's good to keep 'some' to yourself. You know what..I always delay my action..kadang2 I scared I do/say something which I regret later.

Keep going and tough!

Don't forget to say 'Hi' to God ;)

margrmarie said...

True, so true although I'm keeping 70% of myself to myself only :P

I think I've always been procrastinating =.= hehe malan kan. Btw, God winks back :D I miss SHC Inobong...

Anonymous said...

u isolating urself?

sape cakap tu yot? let me kick his/her *tutt

haha i tak rase u macam tu pon.

u kawan yang baek ;)

margrmarie said...

Hehe Anysz ni...malu la sia dngar mcm tu :) thanks k. Bukan big deal juga cuma kekadang tu rasa sakit ati coz yg ckap tu pun, kawan kan..

Hehe thanks again! La, Anysz ni kawan paling cool tau :D shhh!