Monday, 2 February 2009

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Monday, 2 February 2009
Dear Papa,

You've reached the big 6-0 this year but you're always so busy. You were and are always on the move. As you're aging I hope you won't get yourself overworked. Stay at home sometimes and get a rest because you deserve it after all those you've done for us. Take good care of your health.

I pray to our good Lord that He may keep you in good health and bless you with abundant grace now and in the years ahead. May He keeps you safe from harm. Much love from your daughter away from home :)



louie said...

Awww....happy birthday uncle!!

margrmarie said...

Dad got a DVD player from my siblings :) hehe thanks for the wish, Gurl!

Anonymous said...

Bapa ko tu Yot...mmg super-active...jalan ke hulu ke hilir...hehehehe

He is teaching at St Joseph Penampang sekarang kan? Tabik sama dia lah...

Nway...wishing him good health and happiness always!

ps. nanti saya wish belated bday sama dia di church ssshhhh.....hehehe

margrmarie said...

Itu lai tu sia dingar2 hehe. Abis c bojitut d SMSM kan. Mau tingu2 dia.

Ui...minta blanja kama :P hehehe byk ni birthday sia miss! Argh!